Netflix has revealed Leviathan, an eagerly anticipated anime produced by the renowned CGI studio ORANGE, with the illustrious Joe Hisaishi composing the music. Slated for a 2025 debut, the series is set against the eve of war in 1914 and follows the daring escapades of a fugitive prince and a girl in disguise, whose actions alter the trajectory of history.
The production is helmed by Qubic Pictures, with Christophe Ferreira as the director. Justin Leach and Daiki Sakurai join as executive producers, all of whom previously collaborated on Eden. Accompanying Hisaishi’s original compositions, Nobuko Toda and Kazuma Jinnouchi will oversee the musical score, promising a richly atmospheric soundtrack.
Originally penned in 2009 by Scott Westerfeld and illustrated by Keith Thompson, Leviathan is the inaugural volume in a trilogy that includes Behemoth and Goliath. The novel garnered acclaim, winning the Aurealis Award for Best Young Adult Novel in 2009.
Studio ORANGE, acclaimed for their stellar work on Land of the Lustrous, BEASTARS, and TRIGUN: STAMPEDE, lends their expertise to this ambitious project. Joe Hisaishi, celebrated for his iconic scores in Hayao Miyazaki’s films and the Ni no Kuni series, adds his musical genius to the anime. Enthusiasts can look forward to more details in the coming months. A preview of Leviathan is featured in Netflix’s Next on Netflix Animation video, showcasing this and other forthcoming series.
Source: Netflix on X
©Netflix, Leviathan Production Committee